Monday, May 25, 2015

Friends and Neighbors: A Foreward

When we think of summer, we think about swimming pools, baseball, barbecues, summer concerts, carnivals, or even those summer nights, sitting around the campfire and star gazing throughout the night. Throughout my life, I have had some amazing memories with my summers. While we spend our days in the present, we don’t think about what the moment is trying to teach us. Sometimes, we don’t even look at the value of the moment and why moments can be special, until later on down the road when we’re looking back at those memories that were created. Imagine you are going to a baseball game. You get to the game with your friends, and throughout the game, you’re sharing memories, laughs, and making more friends with those around you. What’s the value behind it? Friendships.

            Every summer, I always gain something new to learn. A lot of times, I always experience a life changing moment. It would take pages and books to describe every single summer, but the one I can say that was most inspirational, was summer 2012. It was the final summer that I had spent with my best friends, before we all had headed off to our separate ways. We shared memories, laughs, philosophies and even tears. By the time that summer was coming to a close, we slowly drifted apart and went our separate ways. After we departed, I ended the summer by spending time with my family. Since that summer, I have learned that family and friends is what makes a summer extremely special.

            Throughout the next few months, I started to write down a series of short stories and drafts. All of the drafts had no significance, nor correspondence with each other, but I felt that it could have been turned into something. I also thought about the memories of high school and college, and long story short, I came up with the title ‘Friends and Neighbors.’ While writing ‘The Five Phases of a college student, The peasant in the crowd, and The teenage love diaries, I felt that I had to write this story, as it serves as a sequel to Riley’s story of his first year in college.

            Friends and Neighbors is a story about four, young-adult gentlemen, told through the voice of Riley Johnson. In this story, we follow the characters, Riley, Eric, Antwone, and Andre, spending their last summer in Riley’s childhood neighborhood, before heading off on their separate ways. They each have their own trials and tribulations, but what gets them through it all, is the value of trust and friendship. This story picks up where Riley is leaving his first year at K-State, and now he ventures back to his hometown of Junction City, Kansas. What I try to include in this story, just as much as I did with the others, is to keep the authenticity of setting, characters, and focus of detail. Though this is a work of fiction, it’s still authentic in its own way. There were a ton of inspirations that have inspired me to write it, but nothing beats the inspiration of my friends, family, and hometown.

            There’s only one chapter that my professor has read, and it was hard enough to revise that specific chapter. Although there are more chapters that need to be written, some that need revision, and even other ‘books’ that serve as the sequel and prequel, I will make sure that this story will not only be a good impact, but will also serve as teaching lessons for high school, and college students. By gathering all of my values of relationships, I thought that stories will truly serve a good purpose

Here are some other writing projects that are in the works.

            College, A year to remember: Riley’s adventures through his first year at college. The prequel to ‘Friends and Neighbors.’ (Official title is still being determined)

             The Teenage Love Diaries: The prequel to it all. Riley’s senior year of high school, and how five friends deal with high school relationships, divorce, and faith.

             Gretel: A twisted, collegiate story with the elements of Hansel and Gretel. From a small town called Atchison, Kansas, Gretel goes through her first year of college, trying to find a purpose.